NOTE: These shortcuts only work for the numpad Keys/ActionOperation1,2,9Select pattern 1 to 9+Next pattern-Previous patternF2Open name editor for selected pattern. Single key shortcuts will only work when 'Typing keyboard to piano' is OFF.If it is ON, hold shift when using single key shortcuts to still be able to switch between piano roll tools.
Fl Studio Record Piano Roll
FL Studio tutorial explaining the piano roll view. The Piano Roll is one of the central views in FL Studio. If you are not at all familiar with this view and other important views (such as Step Sequencer and Playlist), I recommend you first check out the tutorial listed below. Jul 29, 2011 Best Answer: Ok, what you're going to want to do (assuming your MIDI connection is correctly set up) is this: 1. Go into the piano roll for whatever you're using. Click the record button (the darker button by the stop button) and a box will pop up. FL Studio's Piano Roll While hooking up my M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 to my laptop, and trying to iron-out my music-making workflow, I stumbled upon a big problem: I could not find the sustain pedal event being recorded into FL Studio! The thing that so surprised me was that FL Studio does not record pedal events! The events get translated.